

- Roast with passion -

We are full of enthusiasm, experience and knowledge for a good coffee Roastery owners.  




- We are creative in roasting, not followers - 

Everywhere one can find so many courses, trainings, materials – knowledge to learn how to roast coffee and follow it. 

Having in mind the best roasting practises, our professional experience and our personal taste for a good cup of coffee, we do have the courage and braveness to try different and unusual approaches to coffee roasting and not to follow the footpath drawn by someone else every time. As a result of that we do develop unique coffee recipes adjusted to the specifics of the coffee origin, coffee variety and the specific coffee harvest to share with each of you.  




- Nothing but Quality -

We do not make compromises with:

  • The quality of the green coffee. Our focus is on hand picked single origin coffee beans. When we source green coffee beans, we are usually focused on the beans cupping score quality, certificates and quite often microlot coffee beans.
  • The precisely tuned roasting recipe. When we have a new coffee recipe to be developed, we build few major coffee roasting strategies around the specific green coffee beans. To shape the roasting strategy, we consider a comprehensive list of the coffee parameters, developed through the years of our experience. Then we initially roast on these strategies, cup and perform degustation. Each of us score each coffee roasting strategy independently. The art and creativity start once consensus around a specific strategy is achieved. Since that point we tune more the recipe to emphasis or suppress different tastes in a way that each coffee sip tells flawless story with nice finish and not take the coffee drinker through a bumpy taste journey.
  • The coffee bags or other package. We believe that a nice story should be shelved in to a nice and proper cover. Our package ensures that your coffee is protected from elements and unwanted fragrance. Our pouches are fully biodegradable and do not contain degassing valve, due to its environment unfriendly nature. To make the degassing valve redundant we did endeavour in research and tests. As result of that we were able to transform our packing process and make our package eco-friendly. 




- Caring for the Environment -

We believe that saving planet is responsibility to all of us and each coffee roasting company should aim to be as environment friendly as possible. We deliver our fresh coffee in 100% biodegradable coffee bags made of Kraft Paper, Cellulose Film and Starch Film. Our pouches can be composted after use.